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Protocol is important for every member of the Imperial Council (AEAONMS) and Imperial Court Daughters. It is imperative that protocol be understood by all its members. It is incumbent on the senior member present to ensure that there are no deviations or modifications to the approved protocol. It is necessary that uniform protocol be adopted and that all members are acquainted with the uniform protocol.

Whenever there is a public activity, dignitaries and the presiding officers of the allied organizations should always be given due respect. However, common sense must prevail; at no time should the Shrine take a back seat at its own affair.

If gifts are to be given during the ball, the sponsoring Temple or Court shall include in the invitation to the guests that a location will be established for all wishing to give gifts to drop them off. All gifts are to be dropped off at the specified location upon entering the ball. No one shall be allowed to give remarks when giving gifts.

It is the responsibility of the Master/Mistress of Ceremonies (MC) to ensure that the procession flows in an expeditious manner (i.e. when introducing Temples/Courts call next Temple/Court after last person of previous Temple/Court comes through door)

At all functions described in this protocol when there is no elected Imperial Council/Court Officer, Past Imperial Potentate/Commandress or elected Committee Members are present, their position/place will be filled in order of rank by the Host Imperial Deputy of/for the Desert and if not present, the Host Imperial Deputies of/for the Oasis and if not present, the Illustrious Potentate/Commandress.

Illustrious Potentate and Illustrious Commandress Balls (Separate/Joint) It is incumbent on the Deputy of/for the Desert (if present) or Deputy of /for the Oasis to ensure that there are no deviations or modifications to the approved protocol. The introduction of members to the public is an issue to which each Temple and Court should give considerable thought when planning their Ball; Joint Balls are preferred. The members must realize that we are the host and the public are our guests. Long drawn out introductions are not entertaining. To avoid confusion and to make the introductions standard throughout the Imperial Domain the procedures presented in this section will be used.

The host Deputy of/for the Oasis will be introduced first. It is his/her duty to receive visiting guest on behalf of the Illustrious Potentate/Illustrious Commandress and the Temple/Court. If the affair is a joint Illustrious Potentate and Illustrious Commandress Ball, both Deputies of/for the Oasis will be introduced. The Deputy for the Oasis for the Daughters will be introduced first, then the Deputy of the Oasis for the Nobles. The Deputy of the Oasis for the Nobles may escort the Deputy for the Oasis for the Daughters.

Other invited dignitaries (i.e. Masonic Heads, Officials, Queens, etc … ) will be introduced in place at their tables prior to introducing Nobles and Daughters; no remarks are to be made. The Temple and/or Court will determine who they will recognize as dignitaries. The Temple and/or Court is responsible for informing invited guests, including heads of Masonic and other allied bodies, of the protocol and appropriate dress for attending Shrine and Daughters programs, functions and balls.

The invitation to the head of the Masonic or other allied bodies must clearly state that the appropriate dress for attending Shrine and Daughters programs, functions and balls is the appropriate dress approved by the Imperial Council and the Imperial Court. If the head of a Masonic or other allied body are not a member of the Shrine or Daughters, then they will wear the dress as cited in the invitation for guests. Under no circumstances will the head or representative of a Masonic or other allied body (including the Order of the Eastern Star) attend a Shrine or Court function dressed in their Masonic or allied regalia.

A sample letter can be found in the “Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine of North and South America and Its Jurisdictions, Inc.”

The members of the host Temple/Court will be introduced collectively. They will be led by the members of the Divan(s) (highest to lowest). The members will not be introduced individually; however, the Master/Mistress of Ceremonies (MC) may announce the names and titles of the Divan while the members are being escorted into the ballroom.

All visiting Illustrious Potentates/Commandresses and visiting Nobles/Daughters will be introduced collectively. They will not be introduced individually; however, the MC may announce the Temple/Court name and number as they are being escorted into the ballroom. The Temple and Court from each Oasis will come in together. The order of introduction will be by the Temple/Court number (lowest to the highest).

All Appointed Imperial Officers will be introduced collectively. The host Deputy of the Desert/for the Desert will lead the Appointed Imperial Officers. The Appointed Imperial Officers will not be introduced individually; however, the MC may announce the name and Temple/Court name and number of the host Deputy of the Desert/for the Desert.

Elected Committee members of the Imperial Council will be introduced collectively. The MC will announce their name, office, and Temple number.

The Actual Past Imperial Potentates/Actual Past Imperial Commandresses will be introduced by seniority (lowest to highest).

Whenever the Imperial Potentate/Imperial Commandress and/or members of their Divan are in attendance, they will be introduced next in reverse order (lowest to highest rank). They will be introduced individually by name, office, and Temple/Court name and number.

The Illustrious Potentate/Illustrious Commandress, in whose honor the ball is being given, will be introduced last. No one will be introduced after the Illustrious Potentate/Illustrious Commandress.

If the ball is a joint Illustrious Potentate/Commandress Ball, the Advisor to the Court or the Assistant will be introduced, in place at his table, just prior to introducing the Illustrious Commandress.

When Past Elected Imperial Officers/Emeritus, Past Imperial Potentates, Past Imperial Commandresses, the Imperial Commandress and her Divan or the Imperial Potentate and his Divan, are escorted into the ballroom, they will be introduced and escorted to their seat(s), except for the senior elected Imperial Court officer and/or the senior elected Imperial Council officer will be escorted to the podium for remarks. 

The Illustrious Potentate and/or the Illustrious Commandress may elect to have the Nobles and Daughters introduced in place at their tables. If the Nobles and Daughters are introduced at their seats, it is mandatory that the Deputy of/for the Oasis, the Elected Imperial Court Officers and the Elected Imperial Council officers, be escorted into the ballroom. 

The Illustrious Potentate/Illustrious Commandress may be escorted by an individual of their choice. 

If the ball is sponsored by the Desert, Past Potentate or Past Commandress Council, or other such entities, the officers of the organization sponsoring the affair will be placed in the position of honor during the introductions and will be the last entity escorted into the ballroom. The head of the sponsoring organization will be given the place of honor, i.e., the Deputy of the Desert and the Desert Divan, President of the Past Potentate or Past Commandress Council and Officers, Director and/or President etc.


Protocol at Entrance – Separate Nobles’ Affair

  • Host Deputy of the Oasis 

  • Introduce Dignitaries (i.e. Masonic Heads, Officials, Queens, etc … ) in place at their tables with no remarks 

  • Daughters of the host Court led by the Illustrious Commandress and her Divan visiting Daughters. 

  • Visiting Courts led by their Illustrious Commandress (or Ranking Officer if Illustrious Commandress not present) – Courts will be introduced in order by number 

  • All appointed Imperial Court Officers led by the host Deputy for the Desert or senior Imperial Deputy of the Oasis. Host Temple Divan and Members 

  • Visiting Temples led by their Illustrious Potentate (or Ranking Officer if Illustrious Potentate not present) – Temples will be introduced in order by number 

  • All Appointed Imperial Council officers led by the host Deputy of the Desert or the senior Imperial Deputy of the Oasis. 

  • Past Elected Imperial Officers/Emeritus (lowest to highest in rank) 

  • Actual Past Imperial Commandresses (by seniority lowest to highest) 

  • Elected Imperial Court officers (lowest to highest in rank) 

  • Elected Imperial Council Committee members 

  • Actual Past Imperial Potentates (by seniority lowest to highest) 

  • Elected Imperial Council officers (lowest to highest in rank) 

  • The Illustrious Potentate

NOTE: Remarks will be limited to the following individuals who will speak when introduced by the MC:

  • Illustrious Commandress

  • Deputy for/of the Desert

  • Senior Elected Imperial Court Officer, or by rank as designated

  • Senior Elected Imperial Council Officer, or by rank as designated

  • Illustrious Potentate and no others 

Protocol at Entrance – Separate Daughters’ Affair

  • Host Deputy for the Oasis

  • Introduce Dignitaries (i.e. Masonic Heads, Officials, Queens, etc … ) in place at their tables with no remarks

  • Nobles of the host Temple led by the Illustrious Potentate and his Divan

  • Visiting Temples led by their Illustrious Potentate (or Ranking Officer if Illustrious Potentate not present) -Temples will be introduced in order by number

  • All appointed Imperial Council Officers led by the host Deputy of the Desert or
    the Senior Imperial Deputy of the Oasis.

  • Host Court Divan and Members

  • Visiting Courts led by their Illustrious Commandress (or Ranking Officer if Illustrious Commandress not present) -Courts will be introduced in order by number

  • All Appointed Imperial Court officers led by the host Deputy for the Desert or the senior Imperial Deputy of the Oasis.

  • Past Elected Imperial Officers/Emeritus (lowest to highest in rank)

  • Actual Past Imperial Commandresses (by seniority lowest to highest)

  • Elected Imperial Court officers (lowest to highest in rank)

  • Elected Imperial Council Committee members

  • Past Elected Imperial Officers/Emeritus (lowest to highest in rank)

  • Actual Past Imperial Potentates (by seniority lowest to highest)

  • Elected Imperial Council officers (lowest to highest in rank)

  • The Illustrious Commandress

NOTE:  Remarks will be limited to the following individuals who will speak when introduced by the MC:

  • Illustrious Potentate

  • Deputy for/of the Desert

  • Senior Elected Imperial Court Officer, or by rank as designated

  • Senior Elected Imperial Council Officer, or by rank as designated

  • Illustrious Commandress and no others

Protocol at Entrance – Joint Nobles’ and Daughters’ Affair

  • Host Deputies of/for the Oases -Noble and Daughter

  • Introduce Dignitaries (i.e. Masonic Heads, Officials, Queens, etc … ) in place at their tables with no remarks

  • Host Temple Divan and Court Divan and Members (enter together -tassel to tassel)

  • Visiting Temples and Courts (enter together) led by their Illustrious Potentate and Commandress (or Ranking Officer if Illustrious Potentate/Commandress not present) – Introduced in order by Temple number (Courts present without their Temple will be introduced in order by Court number after the Temple and Courts.

  • All Appointed Imperial Court officers led by the host Deputy for the Desert or the senior Imperial Deputy for the Oasis.

  • All Appointed Imperial Council officers led by the host Deputy of the Desert or the senior Imperial Deputy of the Oasis.

  • Actual Past Imperial Commandresses (by seniority lowest to highest)

  • Elected Imperial Court officers (lowest to highest in rank)

  • Elected Imperial Council Committee members

  • Past Imperial Elected Officers/Emeritus (lowest to highest in rank)

  • Actual Past Imperial Potentates (by seniority lowest to highest)

  • Elected Imperial Council officers (lowest to highest in rank)

  • The Illustrious Commandress (Deputy for Desert if Joint Desert Ball)

  • The Illustrious Potentate (Deputy of the Desert if Joint Desert Ball)

NOTE:  Remarks will be limited to the following individuals who will speak when introduced by the MC:

  • Deputy for/of the Desert

  • Senior Elected Imperial Court Officer, or by rank as designated

  • Senior Elected Imperial Council Officer, or by rank as designated

  • Illustrious Commandress

  • Illustrious Potentate and no others.

NOTE:  During Joint Balls, Camel Riding and Egyptian Dress are prohibited since the Daughters are restricted to their White dresses and should always be treated and respected as ladies.

Escorting Individual in Position of Honor

Only the Marshal(s) will escort the person in the position of honor (i.e. Illustrious Potentate, Illustrious Commandress, etc…) into the Ball.  However, a dispensation requesting a deviation may be approved by the Imperial Potentate.

Escorting Daughters

When escorting a Daughter or when escorting ladies at a Nobles’ or Daughters’ affair, the Noble or escort will have the Daughter or lady on his left side (for Nobles escorting Daughters this means Tassel to Tassel).

Order of Procession for Ceremonies Other Than Balls

When the Temple/Court forms a procession for Religious or Memorial Services or other functions, the following protocol will be used:

  • Temple/Court Officers

  • Elected Imperial Council/Court Officers

  • Elected Imperial Council Committee members

  • Appointed Imperial Council/Court officers

  • Temple/Court members

NOTE:  For the Daughter’s Thanksgiving Service, Daughter’s Feast and Services, follow the Official Program for the Service in the Daughters’ Ritual.

Seating in Churches

Prior written arrangements should be made with the Pastor or a representative of the Church to insure adequate space will be made available for the Nobles and Daughters.

Nobles’ Affair: When the Nobles and Daughters are together, the Daughters will be seated to the left of the presiding officer or to the right of the Nobles. If the capacity of the Church will not permit this seating arrangement, the Daughters will be seated
behind the Nobles.

Daughters’ Affair: When the Daughters are the hosts, the Nobles will be seated on the left of the presiding officer or to the right of the Daughters. If the capacity of the Church will not permit this seating arrangement the Nobles will be seated behind the

Wearing or Removing of Headgear — Fezzes should never be removed at any function except as stated below:

Prior to attending a Church in regalia, the Illustrious Potentate/Illustrious Commandress will insure that the Church membership will not object to the Nobility or Daughters wearing their Fezzes during the religious service. The Nobles/Daughters should always remember they are the guests of the Church. If the Pastor or members of the Church object to the Nobles/Daughters wearing their Fezzes, they should either select another Church or attend the service without their Fezzes.

During religious services Nobles will remove their Fezzes any time prayer is given. Nobles will remove their Fezzes when the Minister give the prayer, reads the scripture or gives the text for the sermon. The Nobles will remain uncovered during the sermon. After the sermon is completed the Nobility may resume wearing their Fezzes.

When reviewing a parade or other event at which the National Colors are presented, or the National Anthem is played, Nobles will not remove their Fezzes but will place their right hand over their heart. Nobles who are members of a marching or drill unit and are in formation may render the military hand salute or present arms in lieu of placing the hand over the heart.

At functions where food is served, Nobles may remove their Fez and remain uncovered during the meal.  After the meal is completed, the Nobility must resume wearing their Fezzes.

Daughters are to refer to the Imperial Court Daughters General Laws as it pertains to the wearing of the Fez.

Parades (National, Regional, Local)

Order of Procession in Parades:

  • Color Guard

  • Imperial or Chief Marshal

  • Public Officials

  • Knights Templar’s Arch of Steel (if available)

  • Imperial Potentate and Divan (highest to lowest), Past Imperial Potentates and Elected Imperial Council Committee Members

  • Imperial Commandress and Divan (highest to lowest), Past Imperial Commandresses

  • Host MW Grand Master, President of the Conference of Grand Masters and visiting Grand Masters.

  • Sovereign Grand Commanders, comprising the Southern and Northern Jurisdictions and invited National Heads of Other Organizations.

  • All Youth groups will be combined in one section (unit).

  • Deserts led by the Imperial Deputy of the Desert, Imperial Deputy for the Desert, followed by the Temples and Courts of that Desert. The host Desert will lead the procession of Deserts, followed by other Deserts as determined by the Imperial or Chief Marshal.


When visiting the Temple/Court, Illustrious Potentate/Illustrious Commandress, will be escorted into the Temple/Court by the Ceremonial Masters/Daughters and presented to the Court by the Noble Advisor.


For the Nobility, for reception of Elected Imperial Officers, refer to the Pillar of Society. Elected Past Imperial Officers will receive the same reception as that given to an Elected Imperial Officer of the same rank.

For the Daughters, for reception of Actual and Past Elected Imperial Officers, refer to the Imperial Court Daughters General Laws.


The Burial Tribute in the Pillar of Society will be followed for the Nobility. The Daughters are to refer to the Daughters Ritual. Riding Clyde is inappropriate.


Nobles/Daughters Affair 

The first seat to the right of the podium (facing the audience) will be the Master of Ceremony, second seat will be the Honoree, third seat will be the Imperial Potentate, then the Elected Imperial Council officers (highest to lowest). If seats are available, fill the remaining seats with your male dignitaries.

The first seat to the left of the podium will be the Mistress of Ceremony, second seat will be the Honoree, third seat will be the Imperial Commandress, and then the Elected Imperial Court officers (highest to lowest). If seats are available, fill the remaining seats with your female dignitaries.

The Illustrious Potentate and Illustrious Commandress will be seated at the head table if they are not the Honoree.

Reserved seating will be provided for the other dignitaries who cannot be seated at the head table. 


Copyright 2023 I Desert of Texas I A.E.A.O.N.M.S. - P.H.A. All Rights Reserved.

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