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Desert Dunes



Officers 2024

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 Illustrious Commandress

 Dt. Bobbie McGaughey

1st Lt. Commandress

 Dt. April Shaw


Dt. Jan Ovesen



On April 28, 1955, eleven ladies convened with the aim of establishing a Dallas Division of the Daughters of the Imperial Court. They elected officers: Dt. Daisy Smith as Illustrious Commandress, Dt. Lois Burke as Secretary, and Dt. Odessa Garland as Treasurer.

Membership interest surged, and by the end of May 1955, the total count had risen to eighteen.

Under the auspices of the Deputy of Texas, Daughter Lucille I. Boyd, and the Daughter of the Imperial Court of Medji Court #38, Fort Worth Texas, the creation ceremony took place on May 21, 1955.

These eighteen pioneers embarked on a journey of excellence, sowing the seeds from which sprouted growth and inspiration. Among them were charter members: Dt. Daisy Smith, III, Commandress, Marie T. Burke, 1st Lt. Commandress, Dt. Mable Davis, 2nd Lt. Commandress, Minnie Kennedy, High Priestess, Dt. Florence Jordan, Oriental Guide, Odessa Garland, Treasurer, Dt. Lois C. Burke, Recordress, Zelma Dennis, 1st Ceremonial Daughter, Dt. Willie Gray, 2nd Ceremonial Daughter, Dt. Birdie Cook, Inside Spy, Dt. Willie Gregg, Outside Spy, Dt. Maggie Harding, Marshal, and Dt. Marian Turner, Asst. Recordress. Members: Dt. Pearl Heath, Dt. Clemmie Jordan, Dt. Lela Smith, Dt. Leslle Polk, and Dt. Mary Sherman.

Also, every year, they host a luncheon in honor of their Founders Day and the Jennie V. Jackson Scholarship Award. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Dt. Jennie V. Jackson Scholarship Award. Since June 2000, they have awarded 10 scholarships totaling $5,575.00.

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